Ancient Native American Legend
Many moons ago,
The Great Spirit, in a time not known to us looked about and saw nothing. No colors, no beauty.
Time was silent in darkness. There was no sound. Nothing could be seen or felt. The Great Spirit
decided to fill this space with light and life.
From his great power he commanded the sparks of creation. He ordered Tôlba, the Great Turtle, to
come from the waters and become the land. The Great Spirit molded the mountains and the valleys
on turtle's back. He put white clouds into the blue skies.
He was very happy and said, "Everything is ready now. I will fill this place with the happy
movement of life." He thought and thought about what kind of creatures he would make.
Where would they live? What would they do? What would their purpose be? He wanted a perfect
plan. He thought so hard that he became very tired and fell asleep.
His sleep was filled with dreams of his creation. He saw strange things in his dream. He saw
animals crawling on four legs, some on two. Some creatures flew with wings, some swam with fins.
There were plants of all colors, covering the ground everywhere. Insects buzzed around, dogs
barked, birds sang, and human beings called to each other. Everything seemed out of place. The
Great Spirit thought he was having a bad dream. He thought, nothing could be this imperfect.
When the Great Spirit awakened, he saw a beaver nibbling on a branch. He realized the world of his
dream became his creation. Everything he dreamed about came true. When he saw the beaver
making his home, and working hard to build a dam where his family could swim in, he then knew
everything has its place, and a purpose in the time to come.
It has been told among our people from generation to generation. We must not question our dreams.
They are our creation.